Fordway Blog

The Petya/NotPetya ransomware attack

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 6, 2017 9:58:33 AM / by James Mason posted in Security, managed cloud, Ransomware, Incident Response, Fordway Managed Services

With last week’s Petya/NotPetya malware coming so soon after the Wannacry infection which affected more than 230,000 computers in over 150 countries, every organisation needs to assess their ability to cope with ransomware. That means considering a range of factors, from your patching regime to your back-up and disaster recovery provision. It only takes one user to accidentally click on an infected attachment and you could find yourself testing your DR plan!

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Battling GDPR compliance?

[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 17, 2017 4:29:19 PM / by Ashley Denness posted in GDPR, Security



You can imagine it now. If the world of IT security were to be played out as a pantomime today, the seeming villain of the piece would definitely be GDPR. Picture it, the face of the CISO when the crowd scream “It’s behind you!” as GDPR suddenly appears. Our hero knows that GDPR is lurking behind him but he is not quite sure a) how much of a threat it will be to him and b) exactly what he has to do to combat it.

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The importance of people and process in the fight to secure NHS data

[fa icon="calendar'] Jan 28, 2017 12:01:00 AM / by Navtej Kalkat posted in Security, Disaster Recovery, IT Strategy

NHS Cloud and IT Consultancy - Fordway Blog

The computer virus which affected Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust in November is a further reminder that NHS organisations need to remain constantly on their guard against security breaches. As no ransom was demanded, it’s likely to have been a random attack, but reports suggest that 28 trusts have been hit by ransomware attacks in the last year. Additionally, the NHS was the UK’s biggest victim of data breaches in 2015 according to the Information Commissioner’s Office.

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